Software solution for safe and healthy working with hazardous substances
When working with hazardous substances, as an employer you are obliged to prevent or limit exposure according to the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet). The self-assessment service for working with hazardous substances from the Netherlands Labour Authority, helps you meet these legal requirements in 4 steps: inventory, assess, take measures, and secure. Stoffenmanager® provides support for a continuous and effective substance policy.
Step 1: Inventory
Identifying hazardous substances in your workplace is crucial for a safe and healthy work environment. This means that all hazardous substances within your company must be documented, including CMR substances and substances that are generated during processes. With Stoffenmanager®, you can do this easily: enter your products yourself or take advantage of our SDS database service. By properly mapping everything, you can immediately see which substances require extra attention.

Step 2: Assess
With Stoffenmanager®, you can quickly and easily calculate the exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. This is called a risk assessment. By answering questions about the work situation, such as workspace, ventilation, tasks, and duration, you get immediate insights. Stoffenmanager® calculates the exposure for each hazardous component and compares it to the threshold values. If the exposure is too high, this is immediately indicated with a red number in the overview. This way, you can see if the situation is under control and take targeted action.

Step 3: Measures
With Stoffenmanager®, you can easily calculate the effect of control measures. If the exposure is too high, you need to take action according to the occupational hygiene strategy. First, check if you can substitute the substance. Then, implement technical measures, such as ventilation. See if organizational measures can be taken. The final step is the use of personal protective equipment, such as respiratory protection or gloves.

Step 4: Secure
Implement and secure your substances policy with Stoffenmanager®. Set up notifications to take timely action when products or risk assessments expire. Use Workplace Instruction Cards (WICs) to clearly and efficiently inform colleagues about working safely with hazardous substances. Additionally, Stoffenmanager® offers training and webinars to help you get the most out of our tool. Whether it's about information, instruction, or supervision: we assist you in securing a healthy and safe work environment. Discover how easy effective management can be!