CMR substances
CMR substances are chemicals that are Carcinogenic, Mutagenic (harmful to genetic material), and Reprotoxic. These substances can have serious effects on the health of people exposed to them. Therefore, they pose a major risk in the workplace and require strict measures.
What are CMR substances?
- Carcinogenic substances can cause cancer or increase the risk of cancer.
- Mutagenic substances can damage genetic materials and cause cancer when combined with other substances.
- Reprotoxic substances are harmful to reproduction or offspring (reproductive toxicity).
Where do CMR substances occur?
CMR substances can occur in various sectors, such as the metal industry, construction, healthcare, or agriculture. They are often found in raw materials, semi-finished products, or by-products of production processes. When workers are exposed to CMR substances, for example by using products containing them, there can be serious health consequences. Employers are obliged to protect their employees from exposure to CMR substances.

How do you recognise CMR substances?
CMR substances can be recognized by several characteristics. Labels of these substances often feature GHS hazard pictograms, such as a skull with crossed bones, indicating toxicity, or a human figure with a star, indicating health damage. In addition, CMR substances contain specific H phrases, such as H340, indicating that the substance may cause genetic damage, H350, warning of cancer risk, and H360, referring to possible damage to fertility or the unborn child. Furthermore, you can find out in the safety data sheet (SDS) of a substance whether it has a CMR classification.
SZW list
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) has drawn up a list of carcinogenic substances and processes, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances, the SZW list. View the current SZW list of carcinogenic substances and processes here (Dutch).
Checking exposure to CMR substances
To determine whether CMR substances are used in your company, it is important to keep good records. Registering CMR substances is also required by Dutch law. Using Stoffenmanager®, you can easily identify CMR substances and comply with the additional registration requirements. Find out how Stoffenmanager® can support you in this process and improve safety within your company.